

PPC Services: Drive Sales With PPC Management Services

Accelerate sales from paid search with the PPC services that deliver a 25% increase in return on investment. See what our full-service solutions (which include our award-winning team, tech, and strategies) can do by requesting a proposal today!

What do our PPC management services include?

Get everything you need (and nothing you don’t) with Digixco PPC management services, which offer a full-service solution to building, implementing, and managing a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign. Learn more about what our customizable pay-per-click management services include and how they’ve driven more than $6 billion in revenue for our clients:

Powerful Data Activation for PPC

Digixco is our proprietary marketing software specifically designed to empower our clients’ website strategies and digital campaigns. This powerful, client-exclusive data suite offers a range of advanced features that provide unparalleled control and insight into paid advertising efforts.

With Digixco, PPC clients can regain control over their advertising targeting. The software’s sophisticated tools enable precise targeting, ensuring that ads reach the right audience at the right time. This level of control helps optimize ad performance, driving better results and higher conversion rates.

Your search for SEO services ends here

When your company partners with DIGIXCO,you

Reclaim your workday

Forget living in Google Ads. With Digixco you have the freedom to focus your attention elsewhere while receiving regular reports and insights on your pay-per-click performance. Plus, you’ll meet with your account manager regularly to discuss strategy, goals, and more.

Accelerate your ROI

With our seasoned team of more than 500 marketing specialists, plus the billions of data points powering MarketingCloudFX, your business can launch smarter campaigns sooner and drive revenue faster. Already, our clients have seen a 25% lift in PPC performance with the power of this dynamic duo.

Grow your bottom line

demands with PPC services committed to growing your bottom line and delivering on company objectives. In just the past five years, our clients have captured more than $6 billion in revenue from the web through our data-fueled, expert-led strategies.

Streamline your strategy

Advertise across platforms and ad networks, and unlock new strategies like programmatic advertising with Digixco full-service solutions that make developing, implementing, and managing search engine advertising hands-free.

Pricing custom to you. Starting at
$3,000 per month.

Unlock a 25% greater marketing lift in PPC performance with WebFX’s PPC management services

In-House Marketing

Typical Marketing Agency

FAQs about SEO services

What is PPC?

PPC, also known as pay-per-click, describes an online advertising strategy where advertisers only pay when someone clicks on an ad. PPC ads can display on websites, search engines, and social media networks.

Why invest in PPC?

There are several reasons why you should consider adopting PPC campaigns. Not only is paid advertising an effective strategy for increasing traffic to your website, but it’s cost-effective, extremely targeted, and delivers fast results.

If you’re not already convinced, let’s talk a little more about each.

1. It’s a cost-effective way to advertise

PPC marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to advertise your business. Why, you may ask? Here’s the lowdown.

If you advertise in a newspaper, on television, or on a billboard, you pay for the space that your ad occupies. You’ll nearly pay an arm and a leg for a two-inch square in a local magazine or in the newspaper, and billboard costs can be upwards of thousands of dollars.

PPC advertising adopts the same idea of an ad in a newspaper or magazine, except your ad shows up in search engines. This leads a lot of people to believe that you have to pay for that real estate in search engine results, but that’s one of the huge benefits of PPC — you don’t!

What are PPC services?

With PPC management services, you receive professional management of your PPC strategy and campaigns for a designated fee. This management can include strategy development, bid management, ad copy, and more.

What do PPC services include?

Deliverables for PPC services depend on the service provider, as well as the plan selected. In most cases, PPC management services will include advertising on Google and Bing, as well as keyword targeting, bid management, and routine reporting.

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